In the Postboxes activity, the children cooperate in pairs to post different-shaped letters in the correct postbox. The activity also challenges the children’s working memory, as the children must remember where the different postboxes are.
- The children cooperate in pairs. Hand out an envelope with pictures of various shapes.
- Around the outdoor play area, plastic pockets have been hung up with pictures of a shape on a postbox, for example, a triangle.
- The children pull out a piece of paper from their envelope, for example, a piece of paper showing a triangle. Now it’s a matter of finding the correct postbox and posting the piece of paper with shape on it.
- The children then run back to the starting point and pull another piece of paper from their envelope. This continues until the envelope is empty.
- You can challenge the children by asking them to try and remember where the different postboxes are.
- You can change the topic you are working on, and instead of pictures of shapes, you can use keywords related to the current topic.
Plastic pockets with pictures of a postbox and the relevant shape
Cards with the different shapes