According to the Norwegian Framework Plan, “Kindergarten shall be an arena for daily physical activity, and it shall promote joy of movement and motor development in the children” (p. 11). Furthermore, it states that “Kindergartens shall create a stimulating environment that supports the children’s desire to play, explore, learn and achieve… The children shall be able to use their entire body and all their senses in their learning processes” (p. 22) and that “Staff shall apply varied working methods adapted for individual children, the group of children and the local community… The chosen working methods can help create enthusiasm, interest and motivation and make for new experiences” (p. 43).
These topic pages are intended as inspiration for promoting and integrating physical activity into the preschool practice by using physical activity as a way of working with various topics. Some of the activities and games are closely linked to the topic, some directly linked, while other activities are based on a game that has been further developed for use together with the topic.
Integrating physical activity into various learning activities linked to a topic can have a number of beneficial effects. Feel free to watch the video about Physically active learning on the resource page.
We have used the term ‘keywords’ for words that are relevant according to the topic. Other preschools may have e.g a word of the week or the month. Printing material for lotto and memory games are available within several topics.
Friendship – Get to Know
Friendship and social competence are important topics in preschools. Empathy, self-regulation, prosocial behavior and self-esteem are important keywords for social competence. The children will get to know each other, make friends and be a part of a community.
Myself – My Body – Emotions
The preschool is an arena for children to get to know themselves and their own body, and become confident in this. How do I look? What can I do with my body? What can others do with my body?
Autumn is a colorful season and often include different types of weather with sun, rain and wind. It is also the season for fruits and berries. Take the children out and let them use their senses. What do we see and hear
Animals and insects in the autumn
It is exciting to wonder what happens to different animals and insects in the autumn. One can, for example, gain knowledge about bears, vipers and hedgehogs that go into dens. What happens to the anthill and the ants there? What happens to the insects?
Fire Safety
It is important that children become aware of and gain knowledge on fire safety. All preschools have fire drills, but how and how often one organizes this varies between preschools.
Learning about traffic and traffic rules will develop the children’s attitudes and skills to become responsible and safe road users.
Children in other countries
When you work with the topic Children in other countries, you can, for example, emphasize activities and plays where the children learn about different countries, lifestyles, animals and music.
Christmas – Activity calendar
Christmas is an exciting time for children. Here is our Advent calendar, with one activity hiding behind each of the 24 doors.
It is the first degree of cold or the first snowfall. The children storm out to sense, feel and experience winter weather. What characterizes winter? How do we know it’s winter? What can we do in the winter?
Animals in the winter
It is exciting to wonder what happens to different animals in the winter. Some lie in dens and some change their fur. How do the animals find food in the winter? Let the children explore and form new experiences with nature.
Sami National Day
February 6th is the Sami National Day and is often marked in the preschool. One can, for example, talk about Sami culture, set up a lavvu, cook outside, and play that one throws lasso on the reindeer. Maybe you can make a rock concert with Sami music?
Carnival is a day of celebration in the preschool. In most preschools, the main focus is on costumes, dancing and acting. One can work with the topic over a longer period and thus get to know different animals, professions, characters, adventures etc.
Easter is an important holiday within the Christian cultural heritage. The victory of life over death is the theme of both Easter and spring. In the preschool we celebrate life and create objects that symbolize life.
The temperature rises and the sun warms. Nature changes; it germinates and grows, we hear the birds singing and see small insects crawling out. Spring is a time for sensation and wonder. What do we see, smell and hear?
Insects in the spring
Go for a walk and experience the nature during the spring. Lift stones, look under bark and tree stumps, dig in the ground to look for earthworms or study an anthill. Wonder together with the children about different small insects.
New Life: Flowers and Bees
The temperature rises and the sun warms. Nature changes; it germinates and grows, we hear the birds singing and see small insects crawling out. We can see flowers in beautiful bright colors and hear summing bees. Sow seeds with the children and study the growth. Get to know the bee, the bumblebee and the quail. What are they doing?