Animals in the winter
It is exciting to wonder what happens to different animals in the winter. Some lie in dens and some change their fur. How do the animals find food in the winter? Let the children explore and form new experiences with nature. Do we find insects or other small animals in the winter?
Here are tips for different activities and plays you can use to get to know animals in the winter.
Tips for physical activities:

Memory in Uneven Terrain
The surface during the winter challenges children’s motor skills. Create a memory game that is connected to the animals you work with in the winter.

Large Catches Small, Small Catches Large
Use animals that you work with under the topic Animals in the Winter.
Excerpt from the Norwegian Framework Plan
From the learning area Nature, environment and technology:
“Kindergartens shall enable the children to appreciate nature and have outdoor experiences that teach them to move around and spend time in the outdoors during the different seasons” p. 52.
“By engaging with nature, the environment and technology, kindergartens shall enable the children to learn about animals and animal life” p. 53.
“Staff shall provide a variety of outdoor experiences and use nature as an arena for play, wonder, exploration and learning” p. 53.