In this activity, the children challenge their motor skills by moving like different animals.
- The children spread out on the play area.
- The adult deals one card to each child, making sure that two of all cards are dealt equally.
- The children should then imitate the animal they have a card of. Preferably only with movements first, and if it becomes difficult, the children can also add sound.
- Now the children shall find the other child who has the same card as them by looking at the movements of the other children.
- The children who find each other go together to an agreed area (e.g., into the “barn”) -still imitating the animal they got on their card.
- The adult can decide which movements the children should practice by choosing which cards they use in the activity.
- By changing the cards, one can e.g., work with animals in the forest or insects.
Memory cards of farm animals