The game challenges the children’s working memory in that they must remember which movements are related to the different messages (1,2,3). The children are also challenged to react quickly to a message. By changing the rules along the way, the game can be extra challenging.
- The children stand in a line or circle.
- The adults says that different numbers have different rules. For instance, 1 = jump forwards, 2 = jump backwards and 3 = stand still.
- When all the children have understood the rules, the adult shouts 1, 2 or 3, and the children do what the message means (1 = jump forwards, 2 = jump backwards and 3 = stand still).
- The same movements can be kept, but change the movements associated with each number, e.g. 1 = jump backwards, 2 = stand still and 3 = jump forwards.
- The movements can be changed, e.g. 1 = lie down, 2 = jump up, 3 = stand still.
- Another variant is that the numbers could be attached to a specific place. For instance, 1 = run to one of the short walls or a specific tree, 2 = run to the opposite side or another tree. You can have as many rules as you wish.
- Various signals can be used instead of 1, 2, 3. For instance, a different number of claps is linked to each movement.
No equipment required.