Through this activity, the children have bodily experiences related to numbers 1-6. For instance, if the children find that number three is smaller than number six, they run a shorter distance.
- The adult places six cones in a row away from where the children are standing (the first cone is closer and the sixth cone is far away).
- The children in each group stand in a row and the first child throws the die. The child then runs up to the cone that corresponds to the number of dots on the die. If the child gets four, he/she runs to number four in the row.
- When the child returns to the group, the next child rolls the die and runs.
- When the children are learning the game, you can have a few practise rounds with the children running to the right cone at the same time.
- If you do not have any cones, you can, for example, use stones, pinecones or sacks to mark the six places they shall run up to.
- It’s easy to convert this game into a relay race by all the children starting at the same time and stopping when everyone has run a round. In this case, luck determines the winner and not those who run the fastest.
- As a variation to running up to cones, you can place six hula hoops in a row for the children to jump into according to the dots on the die (if the dice has three dots, the children jump into the first three hula hoops and back again).
- Another variant is to place six hula hoops in a row with a bucket at the end. The children roll the die and then jump forwards with as many jumps as the dice shows. The children take three bean bags with them, which they shall now throw into the bucket. Here it’s an advantage to get a high number, as it’s easier to throw the bean bags in the bucket.
Six cones (with or without numbers) per group
One die per group (or twelve cones and two dice for the oldest children)