Playing with bean bags challenges the children’s motor coordination and object control skills.
Examples of different tasks the children can do with the bean bags:
- Can you balance the bean bag on different parts of your body? For instance, head, shoulder, wrist, knee, bottom of the foot?
- Can you walk/run whilst you have the bean bag on different parts of your body?
- Can you crawl with the bean bag on your back, head or bottom of your leg?
- Can you roll on the floor with the bean bag between your knees, ankles and under your chin?
- Can you throw the bean bag in the air and catch it again?
- How can you throw it and catch it again?
- How many throws can you do in a row without dropping the bean bag on the floor?
- Can you throw it from one hand to the other?
- Can you lie down on the floor with the bean bag on your forehead?
- Can you pick the bean bag up off the floor by curling your toes around it?
- Can you pick something (e.g. another bean bag, cone, etc.) up off the floor at the same time as the bean bag is on your head?
- Can you stand on all fours and push (pass) the bean bag into the goal?
- You can vary the activity by doing the exercise in pairs. Examples of tasks:
- Can you throw a bean bag to each other?
- Can you throw two bean bags at the same time?
- Can you lie on your stomachs and throw the bean bag to each other?
- Can you stand back-to-back and pass the bean bag through your legs and over your heads?
- Can your partner catch the bean bag that you throw into a cone, box, etc?
- Long throwing from a specific line. Everyone must throw at the same time and then run and fetch the bean bag.