In Rock and Chat the children practise locomotor skills. Further, they practise social skills as the children shake hands/give high-fives and tell another child something about themselves.
- Put on some music and let the children move in different way each time the music is playing. For instance:
– Run, run in slow motion, walk normal, walk as fast as you can, walk as strange as you can
– Leap, leap like a frog
– Gallop
– Crab walk (put your hands on the floor with your back facing the floor and walk sideways)
– Dance, dance as strangely as you can
– Swim in the air - When the music stops, they must go up to the nearest child and shake hands with them or give them a high-five, and then tell the child something about themselves that you have set as a task (for instance, what do they like doing at home? What is their favourite colour? What do they like playing at playtime? What animal do they like, etc?).
- Each time the music stops, they must go up to another child.
- Encourage the children to move in different ways.