In the Running Wild Pig game, the children are hunters and get to practise throwing at a moving target. The wild pigs must move quickly to dodge the balls that the hunters are throwing at them.
- Divide the group of children into two. One of the groups is the hunters and the other wild pigs.
- The hunters stand behind a marked line at a suitable distance from the ‘wall’. The hunters are carrying soft balls.
- The wild pigs hide behind the wall and run in front of it when they please.
- The hunters try to hit the wild pigs that are running by.
- The hunters can run in front of the line to fetch balls, but must go behind the line again before they can throw balls at the wild pigs.
- For progression, the distance from which the hunters throw balls at the wild pigs can be extended.
A ‘wall’ for the wild pigs to hide behind
Many soft balls