In this song game, the children practise connecting movements with song lyrics.
- Sing ‘Incy Wincy Spider’
- “Incy wincy spider…” From a knee-standing position, move upwards climbing.
- “…climbed up the waterspout” Hands on the head.
- “Down came the rain…” Move slowly downwards to a knee-standing position using the fingers to symbolise rain.
- “…and washed the poor incy out.” Hit your hands on the floor.
- “Out came the sun…” Make big movements with your arms from the floor up to your head.
- “…and dried up all the rain” Hit your head.
- “So incy wincy spider…” Move from a knee-standing position and climb upwards to a standing position.
- “…climbed up the spout again.” Place your hands on your head.
No equipment required.