The Bear is Sleeping challenges the children’s basic locomotor skills. By varying the way the children move, they are challenged to remember information.
- The children sit in a ring with the bear in the centre.
- The children and the adult agree on how they will get away from the bear. For instance, by crawling, jumping, galloping, walking sideways, hopping. The bear does the same movements.
- The children sing “The Bear is Sleeping” as they walk around the bear.
- At the end of the song, the bear tries to catch as many children as possible, and the children who are caught go with the bear and become bears.
- The children should preferably agree on being different animals and moving in the same way as them. For instance, wiggle like a snake, gallop like a horse, walk like a little mouse (mouse steps), etc.
- When played in uneven terrain, the activity further challenges motor skills.
- The activity can also be made more challenging by choosing extra demanding motoric movement patterns, e.g. requiring more coordination. For instance, if you want the children to jump, you can inform them that they can try to hop (jumping on one foot) should they wish to do so.
No equipment required.