In The Tourist Guide, the children’s locomotor skills are challenged through a ‘pretend trip’. The children can also be creative in relation to what the ‘trip’ will be like.
- Played in groups of approx. three and three.
- The person at the front is the tourist guide. Preferably, an adult in the beginning.
- The person at the front guides the others through a ‘pretend trip’, e.g. in the forest, city, space and so forth.
- The person at the front says where they are and the ‘obstacles’ they must walk over. For instance, whether they have to cross a river, climb over a fallen tree, walk under branches, etc.
- You can also pretend that you are going on a trip by train and that everyone in the group will be hanging out together on a long train. The train can move in many different ways, and that everyone has to hang on, e.g. backwards, forwards, sideways, crawling, hopping, on their knees, etc.
No equipment required.