Children in other countries
When you work with the topic Children in other countries, you can, for example, emphasize activities and plays where the children learn about different countries, lifestyles, animals and music.
Here you can find activities and play that can be integrated into the topic Children in other countries.
Tips for physical activities:
The Train Ride
Take the train or fly to the continents or countries you work with. Look for animals that live in the continent / country and imitate their movement patterns.
The Tourist Guide
Tell a story where you are traveling in different countries that you work with. Integrate keywords and movements to the story.
Would you like to drive a bus?
Create a play area that illustrates different countries / continents e.g. by placing vairous objects in hula hoops. Some children are planes that will transport the other children from place to place. The children who are passengers are welcome to say where they want to travel.
Shoeball is an African game.
Moving to Music
In Moving to Music, you can use music from different countries. One can also give instructions on “freezing” as different animals.
Running Wild Pig
You can replace wild pig with other animals that you work with related to the topic.
Animal Tag
In Animal Tag, the children can be animals from different countries.
Pull the Tail
In this game, the children can be animals from different countries that pull each other’s tails.
Fruit salad
In Fruit salad, the children can be fruits from different contries.
Excerpt from the Norwegian Framework Plan
“Kindergartens shall promote respect for human dignity by highlighting, valuing and promoting diversity and mutual respect. The children shall be able to discover that there are many ways in which to think, act and live. Kindergartens shall also give the children shared experiences and highlight the value of community. Kindergartens shall demonstrate how everyone can learn from each other and promote the children’s curiosity and sense of wonder about similarities and differencesr” p. 9.
From the learning area Ethics, religion and philosophy:
“Kindergartens shall introduce the children to the stories, traditions, values and holidays of different religions and world views and to discover how cultural expressions are valuable in the own right. Kindergartens shall create an interest in the diversity of our society and an understanding of other people’s lifeworlds and ways of life” p. 54.
“Staff shall help develop the children’s tolerance of, interest in and respect for each other and people with different cultural, religious or spiritual affiliations” p. 55.