Christmas – Activity calendar
Christmas is an exciting time for children. Here is our Advent calendar, with one activity hiding behind each of the 24 doors. These activities are designed for use with older children in the kindergarten but can also be adapted to include younger children. The calendar is based on a story about best friends Julie and Julian, who want to play one game every day until Christmas Eve. Feel free to adapt the activities, for example using Christmas music or changing the activity topic to a Christmas theme. Any equipment required is specified in each activity.
The activity calendar can also be downloaded and printed as 24 activity cards, which can, for example, be hung up at your department (Remember to “print on both sides”). Download the activity calendar here!

December 1
Best friends Julie and Julian are really looking forward to Christmas but find it a bit boring to wait 24 days until Christmas Eve. Therefore, they decide to play a game every single day until the big day. Do you also think it’s a long time to wait? Join Julie and Julian and find out which game is hidden behind today’s door in the activity calendar!

December 2
Behind today’s door you’ll find a game that Julian thinks is fun, but also a bit scary. Julian is afraid of an animal that starts with “sssssss”. “It’s fine Julian, I’ll look after you, and remember, it’s just a game,” Julie says. Open the door and join today’s game!

December 3
It’s getting colder outside, and Julie and Julian are thinking back to how it felt during the summer. It makes the best friends want to play a very fun game, where the sun has a very special role. Join us and open today’s door!

December 4
Julie and Julian really like copying each other, they find it fun. Today, the best friends want to play a game that’s all is about doing just that. Do you like to copy your friends too? Join today’s game!

December 5
“Do you know that bears can sleep in a den for six months?”, Julie asks. “Oh, a long time,” Julian replies. Bears are very exciting animals, and today Julie and Julian want to be like bears in the winter. Do you know which game they want to play today?

December 6
Julian can’t find his Santa hat. “Julie, have you seen it? You always remember where things are,” Julian says. “Yes, it’s easy, you put it on your shelf!”, Julie replies. Are you as good at remembering as Julie? Join us and open today’s door!

December 7
Julian doesn’t always remember where his hat is, but he always knows who is in the kindergarten. Behind today’s door is a game where someone must hide… Come along and see if you are as attentive as Julian!

December 8
“Have you heard about the scary monster that lives in the river?”, Julie asks. “No,” Julian replies, not knowing if he wants to hear more about it either! But Julie still wants to share an exciting game about this monster…Join, if you dare!

December 9
Julian is still a bit scared of different things, even if those things are not real (like the Nix). “Maybe you want to play game that isn’t scary, but you have to be very strong,” Julie asks. “Yes!,” Julian replies. Come along and see which game is hiding behind today’s door!

December 10
Julie and Julian would both love to become farmers one day, or at least they would love to visit many farms. One thing they would like to be good at is collecting eggs, but that’s not very easy if the hens don’t want to give them up! Join us and open today’s activity door!

December 11
“Julie, do you know which letter my name starts with?”, Julian asks. “Yes, it’s easy, our names are almost exactly the same and both start with J, U, L, I,” Julie replies. The two best friends now want to create letters with their bodies. Join us and make letters or other shapes too!

December 12
Julian holds up two fingers with one hand and two fingers with the other, and asks Julie, “Do you know how much this is?” “Hmm, yes that’s four! It’s the same as your age, Julie replies. Are you also good with numbers? Join us and open today’s door in the activity calendar!

December 13
It was Santa Lucia’s Day, and Julie and Julian learned that Santa Lucia came from Sicily, an island off the coast of Italy. “Maybe we can play a game about an ocean?“ Julie asks. Open today’s door and see which game is hiding there!

December 14
Julie and Julian are happy that there are only ten days left until Christmas. “Imagine when we can run back and forth to the Christmas tree and get presents,” Julian said. “Yes, it will be a lot of fun, I’m super fast,” Julie said. Are you as fast as Julie? Join us and open today’s door!

December 15
If there is one thing Julie and Julian really loves to do, it is to dance. Behind today’s door hides a game that is about moving to music, but suddenly the music stops and then it is important to be fast… Join in!

December 16
“Do you know what I had for breakfast today?“, Julie asks. “Hmm, maybe a slice of bread?”, Julian replies. “No, I ate something that’s hard on the outside but soft, white and yellow on the inside,” Julie says. Do you know what Julie ate for breakfast? Behind today’s door hides a game that is all about this. Join!

December 17
On the way to the kindergarten, Julie discovered something exciting. Every time cars came to a red light, they had to stop. “Yes, they are not allowed to drive until the light turns green,” Julian says. Are you good at stopping at red light? Join today’s activity!

December 18
Julie and Julian saw a flash of light and heard a loud noise. “Wow, there was thunder and lightening!”, Julian said. “Yeah, we have to stay inside now,” Julie said. The two best friends thought it was a bit scary to hear the loud noises, but it passed quickly and afterwards they really wanted to play a game that was all about thunder and lightening. Join in!

December 19
“Julian, do you have any brothers and sisters?” Julie asks. “I have an older brother and a younger sister,” Julian replies. “Okay, so there is a total of three children in your family“, said Julie. Do you have brothers or sisters? Today’s game is about family and numbers, join us!

December 20
Now Christmas Eve is getting closer, and Julie and Julian are talking about what presents they would like. “I want a kitty!“, Julie says. “Oh, that could be dangerous, because I want a mouse!”, Julian says. Join us and find out which game is hidden behind today’s door!

December 21
“Brrr, it is really cold today,” Julian says. “Yes, mum says it’s the north wind, and it’s very cold,” Julie says. Behind today’s door is a game where you must watch out for the cold north wind, join us!

December 22
“What are you going to eat on Christmas Eve?”, Julie asks. “Hmm, I don’t know yet, but I want ice cream,” Julian replies. “Yes, me too, or fruit salad, yum!”, Julie says. Today’s game is all about fruit salad, join in and choose your favorite fruit!

December 23
“Julie, wait for me!” Julian shouts. Julie and Julian are getting dressed to play outside, but Julian can’t find his mitten! In today’s game you will also try to find mittens, join us!

December 24
The big day has finally arrived! Julie and Julian had such a good time this morning, getting their Christmas stocking and watching Christmas movies. One of the movies was about two chipmunks called “Chip n’ Dale”, which is also the name of the last game in the activity calendar. Join us and open the last door!